Yesterday (9-11-01), like millions of others I was glued to the television set in horror and disbelief.
I was in a state of shock. The only other time I can remember being in such a state of shock was when I cut my leg with a
chainsaw. I was born only miles from the crime scene. It was surreal. I had to get out and clear my head. I went up into
the woods to my favorite trail. I walked and walked and asked for stillness to enter my spirit. I sat down and read the Bible.
I stood up and felt washed by the water of the Word. Thank you Jesus! I then noticed all around me thistles that had gone
to seed, the multi-starred kind you try to catch in the air as a kid. I felt the Spirit saying to me this catastrophe was
to be an immense blessing. From these "thorns", His blessing would be scattered forth. As I walked along the trail, a
sickle was placed into my hand, and without thinking I tossed it into a stand of tall, headed wild grass. I was stunned and
pondered what the vivion meant. The word "harvest", came to me. "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get
you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for wickedness is great". (Joe 3:13) Revival follows a time of repentence.
Revival is a time of jubilee, with colored stramers falling from heaven, and great rejoicing in the Lord. But sadly, many
more will be "left behind". "Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the
righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to justification of life". (Rom 5:18) Personally, the heaviness of my
heart for those left behind, is greater than for those brought into justification. We will have all of eternity to rejoice
with these brethen. I am praying for more enthusiasum than a Kirby salesman to carry the Kingdom into men's hearts, and the
power to carry it into fruition! "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the
working of his mighty power, [?] (Eph 1:19) This is a time of grief, mourning and prayer for healing. But I believe the
seeds of revival have been planted, and the harvest will be to the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ forever! Amen!
Les Lyons