I have not heard anything from God, until yesterday morning regarding any spiritual significance
regarding the recent hurricanes. I was watching the weather channel, and they showed a map of Pensacola, FL. I heard into
my spirit without any words, a picture. I saw that Pensacola is a type of the renewal and revival movements of the last several
years. The Hurricane represented the intense, overwhelming spiritual power that God will show on behalf of Himself. Pensacola
was like a spring mist, compared to a drenching hurricane deluge of rain.
Perhaps of interest, last Sunday I was watching
professional football on TV. God reminded me of something my dear brother friend had said, and that was..."what people don't
realize is that they thought they were building all those football stadiums and arenas for themselves, when all the time God
knew they were building them for Himself!"
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind,
and it filled all the house where they were sitting. (Act 2:2). Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which
is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. (1Co 15:46).
This is what I want to humbly report, and ask for
your discernment, what I am hearing from God, regarding these 100 year hurricanes...that which is natural...and afterward...which
is spiritual..shall shake the earth with trembling power and awe, above all of Himself.
Be Blessed, Les Lyons