Lately, I feel God is shedding some prophetic light, but I need help in finding more light and
the interpretation thereof. On March 17, 2003 God gave me the word Jedidiah regarding President G.W. Bush and the war with
Iraq. (Adventures In Faith, InJesus.com). The last several days I am receiving confirmation to be found in this Scripture;
"Come everybody, gather around, listen: Who among the gods has delivered the news? I, GOD, love this man Cyrus, and
I'm using him to do what I want with Babylon. I, yes I, have spoken. I've called him. I've brought him here. He'll be successful.
Isa 48:14-15 Msg.
I sometimes find these revelations incredulous that G.W. Bush is a typeJedidiah or Cryus. But of
course, one only has to read the Scripture record to see how Solomans or Cryus lives feel far short of the church ideal. It
is even uncertain at this junction whether or not whether the US president will win re-election. It is well reported that
George Bush is a devoted Christian and regularly reads the Bible. But it is not about how good or worthy he may appear. It
is all about God.
I feel in my spirit man that President Bush has been raised for such a time as this, much like Abraham
Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee were raised up in their time. The Inter- national stage is being set. Perhaps, the worlds
three great religions shall see that..these three are one. That ...Im using him to do what I want with Babylon..Ive called
him. Ive brought him here.