I have been pondering lately several things... I think back to just before the US
elections when a multitude of prophetic people where called to pray for the George W. Bush. I myself saw a vision of Mr. Bush
and felt the immense importance within God's plan for this man being elected President. I had at that time no clue as to what
it all meant. At this present time, The United States is bogged down is a costly and messy action in Iraq. Recent reports
signal a deterioration of the situation and possibly civil war. How in the world could George Bush be a linchpin of a coming
move of God?. I have been reading the book of Isaiah, and have come across possibly of what is a clue. "Take a good look at
my servant. I'm backing him to the hilt. He's the one I chose, and I couldn't be more pleased with him. I've bathed him with
my Spirit, my life. He'll set everything right among the nations. (Isa 42:1 Msg). This is the introduction to the Messiah/Savior.
In Isaiah chapter 41, the reference is to Cyrus, of whom George Bush is a type. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown says that Isaiah
42 is Messiah the antitype of Cyrus, and that the law of prophetic suggestion leads Isaiah from Cyrus to the far greater Deliverer,
behind whom the former is lost sight of. Keil & Deilzsch agree saying that Isaiah 42:1 is and extension of 41:29; The
heŻn (behold) is now followed by a second heŻn. With the former, Jehovah pronounced sentence upon the idolaters and their
idols; with the latter, He introduces His servant. I would like to humbly submit the following for discernment. If George
Bush is a type of Cyrus, then the incursion into Afghanistan and Iraq, and possibly before, on 9-11-01, God has pronounced
sentence upon idolaters and their idols. Whatever time has been determined for this pronouncement is to be followed by the
time of the Messiah/Savior, the far greater deliverer. This would be the great worldwide time of harvest and jubilee joy the
church has so greatly anticipated. Even so, come Lord Jesus!