Subject: Economic Revival 3/5/02
For several days I have been driving through the industrial parts of town. I began to notice the individual
businesses. They were bright and happy. New worker needs seemed to be calling forth from them. The cars in the parking lots
looked glad and joyous. They had transported people to good paychecks and steady employment.
The buildings appeared to be large trees that were basking in the goodness of God and His provisions. Water,
sunlight and nutrients. Despite all the gloom and doom of the current recession, these businesses seemed to be enjoying a
I have heard of the "Joseph Anointing", but this was really BIG. This appeared to be not only anointed business
people securing money for the Kingdom, but a FLUSH of economic revival transcending all economic understanding! This will
rival, and perhaps surpass the economic revival of the 1960's.
Our God is not only BIG, he is GOOD! (All the time!)
brother Les Lyons