Subject: A Word given to Brother Les Lyons (11-20-01) "Write these words says the Faithful
and True; I am about to do great things upon the face of the earth. I am about to show the world that a dictator is about
to appear. He will show great signs and wonders. All will be amazed at his rhetoric and speech. These will all be lies and
deception. I will expose his lying tongue and destroy his intentions for all to see. Listen to me my people, do not listen
to him. Harken unto my voice, harken unto my voice. My sheep know my voice, and they follow me. I am about to raise a
great army. The battle that is now raging in the heavens will begin to flow into the earth. My warriors will begin to take
back the ground that has been lost. Those who have been faithful to me will lead this victory charge. Raise my banner of the
cross. Onward Christian soldiers! Onward Christian soldiers! Fear not, fear not, for I am with you. I am very angry, and about
to take vengeance upon my enemies. The lies and deception that have led many astray will be exposed. Revival will begin to
sweep across America. The fire will take root in small villages and towns. The fire that is in my eyes and about my throne
will be thrown down into the earth. Salvation, salvation, salvation. From these unknown places, great cities will become ablaze
in revival. Wesley, Finney and Moody saw only burning bushes. You will see astounding numbers marching into my Kingdom! Rejoice,
rejoice, rejoice! Prepare for the harvest! "My church will begin to grow new roots. They will experience unprecedented
growth. Their fear will diminish as they see me preform astounding miracles and wonders. "And in that same hour he cured many
of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight.... tell what things ye
have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to
the poor the gospel is preached. (Luk 7:21-22). The world will gaze in amazement as I preform these miracles. These things
says the Faithful and True, I am about to do. Prepare the way, make straight the way of the Lord. You are my beloved children.
I love you with an unquenchable love," --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ "True revival is God's coming to the aid of His sick church. Evangelism is that revived Church's going to a world dead
in sin and, under divine power, pulling down the strongholds of Satan."] Leonard Ravenhill