"This is a time of Jubilee. Behold the wonders before your eyes. I will do great things among the nations. Behold
the wonders before your eyes! My people will no longer say, : Where is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob?, has he left
or forsaken my people Israel? This is what I have to say unto you, O Israel! Repent, and turn unto me, says the Lord of
Hosts. I am about to do a new thing! Behold, all things have become new! I love my people, O Israel, how I have mourned
over you! You are the apple of my eye! I long for you as a shephard that tends to his flock. The God of Abraham, Issac
and Jacob has not forgot you! Behold, the great thing I do among the nations. The gentiles glorify my name in Zion! They
rejoice in my presence! Come my people, join the celebration! Dance and sing unto me! Take off your sackcloth of mourning.
" For we are the circumcision, which worship God inthe spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in
the flesh." (Phi 3:3). Turn unto me O Israel, I will make you great again amoung the nations! Rejoice, join the celebration!
I say unto you, rejoice!"