Subject: Be Prepared to Uproot
"Now the leaders of the people dwelt at Jerusalem, the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out
of ten to dwell in Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine-tenths were to dwell in other cities". (Neh 11:1)
The book of Nehamiah has become quikened to me as a blueprint for what God is doing down with His church,
and how He is ushering in His Kingdom. Nehamiah was the spiritual authority and masterbuilder for Gods program. "..the people"
were willing to do whatever God wanted to do. This remnant was a "people" who had forsaken all. "And everyone who has left
houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My namess sake, shall receive a hundredfold,
and inherit eternal life." (Matt 19:29). They were sold out for their God.
This time, God, not the people are casting the lots. He is beginning to call forth those whom He has selected.
However, we have to be willing participants in His program and His Kingdom.
He is calling forth the apostolic, prophetic, pastoral, the minstrils, intercessors, teachers, worshippers,
evangilists and those who "carry the burden upon their backs". The Marys and the Marthas.
When the angels uncap the ancient wells at the command of our Lord, "the people" will be in place. Geographically
situated according to Gods purpose. I believe as Philip the evangelist was whisked to another location, so shall members of
the body of Christ be strategically moved.
As the Kingdom of God begins to take shape, many are going to have to make difficult decisions. It will require
self-denial and courage. THEIR world will be turned upside down, as they called to turn upside down THE world.
brother Les Lyons