Lately, I have had revival fever. In the last few years, I have soaked up so much of revival
and renewal meetings, God's anointed traveling evangelists, prophets, teachers and healers. These "priests" carrying the ark
across the river, to give us a foretaste of what was to come. But when this summer rolled around, I was burned out and
convinced the great awakening was in some distant point on the horizon. That was until the tragedy on the East coast. Please
understand, I am not insensitive, I am heartsick. My whole faimily is New Yorkers. I am a blacksheep out here in Ore-a-gone,
(aye ya yahe!). But amid this tragedy, revival fever is boiling over in my spirit man again. Saturday, I was at a weekly
homeless feedbag put on by a local church. This young army comes week after week, through good weather and bad to this dispised
part of town. They crank out righteous music on speakers, while the dogs and people enjoy a great meal. Two weeks ago I saw
Jesus walking among the crowd, thoroughly enjoying Himself! Saturday, the atmosphere was so thick with the presence of the
Holy Ghost, these young servants started rejoicing and dancing to the music. Hardened hearts began to melt, and peace was
flowing. But a dark cloud rolled in and blinded the minds of those who believe not. However, the gates of hell shall not prevail.
I just know this is holy ground and revival is going to break forth! I have been researching the great revivalists of
the past. Of course, some are well known, some not so well known. This web thing is so cool. Getting information without walking
down aisles and and dragging heavy books to tables! Yesterday, the name "Billy Sunday" was spoken into my spirit. I am struck
with the man. A boiling ball of thunder, fire and brimstone. Compromise was a unknown word. He challenged the mob and their
death threats. Spitfire words were reserved for those dark sorts who challenged him or his God. He followed Jesus on the sawdust
trail, until anyone near could not resist the power of the Holy Spirit. He hungered to reach the lost souls bound to the street
and sin. Many dismissed him as a hick, a Bible thumping, hell raising preacher. What most did'nt know was he could have put
a D.D. after his name, and asked to be called Dr. Sunday instead of Billy. Sorry Tim Allen, this is a guy's guy. He was apparently
God's guy too! Oh God, please give me and my brethren this HOLY FIRE. Pur out your heart and your spirit on us, until
we are as the approaching cloud shaped like a hand to snatch away souls into your KINGDOM GLORY! Like your man Solomon saw
falling, knocking down us priests with your shekinah glory! Hang on, it may may Friday people, but Sunday's coming!